Peloton believes we have a responsibility to advocate both internal and public policies that support the health of our business, our employees and the industry we serve. The policies and position below demonstrate our commitment to being a responsible company. From how we do business to how we ensure the best possible workplace for our employees, we believe it is important to operate consistent with our mission: being ‘well focused’ on bringing small, mid-size and large oil and gas operators the world’s best well data and drilling software.


Policy on Anti-Bribery

Peloton Privacy Policy

Code of Conduct

Cookie Policy

Modern Slavery Policy


Whether you are a Peloton employee, customer, vendor, or member of the general public, you may contact our compliance officer to report a code of conduct, ethics, or safety violation/concern. Although you may choose to remain anonymous, we recommend that you provide an email address where you can be contacted for follow-up purposes.

Phone   Phone



Mailbox   Mail

Compliance Officer

3300, 525 8th Ave SW,

Calgary, AB T2P 1G1